You are meant to live a sacred life—a life of purpose, meaning and direction… You have been sent into the world for a purpose. This purpose requires you to enter a new kind of life experience—a different state of mind, a different awareness of yourself and others and a different relationship with the world itself. To do these things is your destiny, you see, and destiny is everything… Read more about how to live a sacred life.
“You need all the pieces of this puzzle to see your life and the world clearly as never before. You must face everything, what is wonderful and what is not.” — Marshall Vian Summers
“You have been sent into the world for a purpose. This purpose requires you to enter a new kind of life experience—a different state of mind, a different awareness of yourself and others and a different relationship with the world itself. To do these things is your destiny, you see, and destiny is everything. It is the most important thing.” — The Sacred Life
“You were created to be an expression of your source. You were created to be an extension of your Source. You were created to be a part of your Source. Your life is communication, for communication is life. Communication is the extension of Knowledge.” — Steps to Knowledge
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” — Søren Kierkegaard
“From a greater standpoint, from a standpoint of Creation, destiny is everything. But it is not a destiny you created. It is the destiny that God has given you. It is why you are here. It is why your personality has been shaped the way it is. It is perfect for your true vocation in life, a vocation you have likely not found yet.” — Destiny
“Life is not somewhere waiting for you, it is happening in you. It is not in the future as a goal to be arrived at, it is herenow, this very moment – in your breathing, circulating in your blood, beating in your heart. Whatsoever you are is your life, and if you start seeking meaning somewhere else, you will miss it. Man has done that for centuries.” — Osho
“When this life is over and you return to your Spiritual Family, they will only have one question for you, and that is whether you made your sacred rendezvous in life and gave your gifts to the world. In that moment you will know with absolute clarity whether you did or did not.” — The Rays of Initiation
“You did not come to the world to fall asleep by the side of the road. Life is not a beach. Life is a project and a process with all the Mystery and manifestation built in.” — Wisdom from the Greater Community
“Your purpose is to discover your Knowledge, follow knowledge and let Knowledge shape and redirect your life. Your Calling is what Knowledge asks you specifically to do once you are ready to move in a specific direction. It is here that your relationships must become connected to your calling, and not just to your purpose.” — Marshall Vian Summers
“Everyone was sent into the world to be in the world at this time, to face these great and emerging circumstances. So to claim it is too much for you is simply to admit your weakness and to not recognize your responsibility to prepare.” — The Burden of the Messenger
“Your life is communication, for communication is life. Communication is the extension of Spirit. It is not merely the sharing of little ideas from one separated mind to another. Communication is far greater, for communication creates life and extends life, and within this is all joy and fulfillment. Within this is the depth of all meaning. Here darkness and light mix together and cease their separation. Here all opposites blend and melt into each other.This is the unity of all life.” — Steps to Knowledge
“One day you will ask me which is more important? My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life.” — Khalil Gibran
“Your life is going somewhere. It has a future and a destiny. The world is going somewhere. It has a future and a destiny. How it will get there is up to the decisions you make today and the decisions that many others make along with you. Yet you do have a destiny, and this cannot be changed.” — Living the Way of Knowledge
“No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.” — Alan Watts
“Time is short for the world. There is no time to spend decades and centuries perfecting yourself or trying to work out your dilemmas. The calling is for now. The hour is late.” — The Initiation
“Within your restlessness and your discontent, you are responding to this calling. Within your anxiety and your vain attempt to bring happiness into your life, you will feel this calling. It is not a calling that you will experience in your thoughts as much as in your heart and throughout your being. You will feel that you need to be somewhere, to do something, to meet someone.” — Living the Way of Knowledge
“You are destined to meet certain people in life. You have a rendezvous with them. They will be guided to meet you as you are being guided to meet them. These relationships are really not based upon past worldly experience, but are a part of a Plan that was established before you came into the world, a Plan that has been created to make it possible for you to discover higher purpose in your life.” — The Sacred Rendezvous
“Instead of asking ‘what do I want from life?,’ a more powerful question is, ‘what does life want from me?'” — Eckhart Tolle
“Knowledge is not only here to re-engage you with life, it is here to give something to life, something that life cannot give you. You are here to give what you brought from your Ancient Home. It is a set of specific tasks to be carried out with certain people for specific purposes.” — Steps to Knowledge
“… your physical life is meant to serve the spiritual reality.” — Life in the Universe
“He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye.” — Buddha
“You are here to serve a greater purpose, beyond mere survival and the gratification of the things you may think you want. This is true because you have a spiritual nature. You have a spiritual origin and a spiritual destiny. Your failure in this life is the failure to respond to your spiritual nature, which has been distorted and maligned by the religions of your world, which has been neglected and denied by the science of your world.” — Steps to Knowledge
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At some point you will come to realize that the life you are living is really not appropriate for you. It is a compromise. And the compromise has been too great. It has been too thorough. It is a compromise with how you regard yourself, how you regard others, how you regard the world. And though this realization may be resisted, maybe it will be denied, and further compromises will be sought, in actuality it represents the beginning of a great hope for you… Keep reading about building a bridge to a new life.