All things that are most highly valued in human life— love, patience, devotion, tolerance, forgiveness, true accomplishment, courage and faith—all naturally arise from Spirit, for Spirit is their source. They are but the outward expression of a mind that is serving Spirit. Thus, they need not be forced upon oneself through arduous self-discipline. They arise naturally, for the mind serving Spirit can only exemplify its own greatness and its own capabilities… Read more about where real courage come from in the Steps to Knowledge spiritual practice.
“There are risks in being in the world. That is part of being here. Accept this. This requires courage not avoidance.” — Living the Way of Knowledge
“Some change is very hard to make. It brings forth emotional pain and takes great courage because you must override all other arguments and tendencies to do what must be done.” — Wisdom from the Greater Community
“Every act of courage and integrity requires overcoming something, releasing something and escaping something, both within yourself and outside of yourself.” — The Great Waves of Change
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move.” — The Bible Matthew 17:20
“Change is not peaceful. Do not expect peace here, but faith, courage and determination. You must win your freedom.” — Marshall Vian Summers
“The Lord of the Universe is not going to become preoccupied with your social welfare, for the answer has been placed within you regarding what you must do and not do, what you must release and what you must focus upon. This takes courage, of course—courage of a very fundamental nature, courage that is greatly lacking, particularly amongst the wealthy people of the world, who have become accustomed to having their needs fulfilled, who believe the world is there to satisfy their desires and ambitions, who feel that their wealth and privileges are like an entitlement from God, who think that they are better than others who are struggling even to meet the basic requirements of life.” — What Will Save Humanity
“There is no escape from your responsibilities, and the attempt to escape them will cost you dearly. It may even cost you your life. That is why if you are honest, you will realize your need for courage. Dishonesty is weakness. Courage is strength.” — Relationships & Higher Purpose
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” — Plato
“The real question before us then is, are we big enough to accept the power and responsibility of such direct knowing? Can we see the truth, hear the truth, recognize the truth and have the courage to act upon the truth?” — Marshall Vian Summers
“God has placed a deeper Spirit within you. It is the source of your integrity and your wisdom and your ability to see the truth and to respond to the truth. It is the source of your courage. It is the source of your strength.” — Nature and Natural Disasters
“But the bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them,glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.” — Thucydides
“Perhaps you do not think of yourself as a courageous person, thinking that courage is something that some are endowed with and not others. But in truth, courage is something that everyone must forge and develop in his or her own experience. This happens through making difficult decisions. This also happens through making important mistakes, learning through these mistakes and taking the necessary steps to set things right.” — Wisdom from the Greater Community
“All things that are most highly valued in human life— love, patience, devotion, tolerance, forgiveness, true accomplishment, courage and faith—all naturally arise from Spirit, for Spirit is their source. They are but the outward expression of a mind that is serving Spirit. Thus, they need not be forced upon oneself through arduous self-discipline. They arise naturally, for the mind serving Spirit can only exemplify its own greatness and its own capabilities.” — Steps to Knowledge
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage” — Lao Tzu
“To have the power and the courage to respond, you must see the need and feel the greatness of the times in which you live.” — The New Message from God
“You are doing this for yourself, for those who sent you and for those who have come into the world with you. You are working for them as well as for yourself. Let this be a source of courage and encouragement for you.” — Living the Way of Knowledge
“Any courageous course of action to redirect your focus and your energy always must be based upon an inner and pressing need. Under quiescent circumstances, people rarely make any progress at all in any field of endeavor.” — The Great Waves of Change
“Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The correct attitude must also include the willingness to correct anything that obstructs the reclamation of Spirit—those beliefs, those attitudes, those ambitions, those cherished needs and those personal demands that infringe on and limit your ability to experience life as it is, as it will be the next moment and as it is destined to be in the future. This takes great courage and a desire for honesty.” — Greater Community Spirituality
Are we missing your favorite spiritual quote about courage? Post it below!
Even to adapt to the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world, you will really have to change the way you think, what you expect of yourself and others, how you live. Real, fundamental change here is required, just to be able to meet the changing circumstances of your life… Read more about how the challenging world we live in will require the courage for real change.
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